The Connecticut Legislature recently approved Public Act 17-10, a bill that establishes a new disciplinary action that may be taken against certain licensed practitioners in Connecticut, including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, dentists, podiatrists, physical therapists, psychologists, and EMS personnel.

Currently, Connecticut-licensed practitioners are subject to certain (non-exclusive) disciplinary actions that may be taken by the applicable licensure board or commission, or the Department of Public Health (DPH), against their license or permit upon a finding of good cause, including license revocation or suspension, censure, a letter of reprimand, probation or assessment of a civil penalty of up to $25,000.  Importantly, when a practitioner is placed on probation, a licensure board or commission (or DPH) may limit a practitioner’s practice to only those areas prescribed by such licensure board or commission (or DPH).

This legislation allows DPH or the applicable licensure board or commission overseeing a licensed practitioner to “restrict or otherwise limit practice to those areas prescribed by the board, commission or [DPH]” without having to place the practitioner on probation. This legislation also implements conforming changes to state statutes that contemplate assessment of civil penalties, and provides that DPH may impose such a practice limitation or restriction against a licensed practitioner for failing to comply with his/her duties related to reporting of infectious disease exposures (in addition to other disciplinary actions already permitted under law).

Public Act 17-10 will take effect October 1, 2017 (absent a veto by Governor Malloy).