On June 13, 2018, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy signed into law Public Act No. 18-168 “An Act Concerning the Department of Public Health’s Recommendations Regarding Various Revisions to the Public Health Statutes” (PA 18-168). This legislation makes a number of changes to state laws concerning public health and the responsibilities of the Department of Public Health (DPH), including laws affecting advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), advance directives, the scope of practice for podiatry, respiratory care, reportable events at nursing homes, and the supervision of physician assistants. Below is a summary of certain key provisions within the law, along with their respective effective dates, but please note that PA 18-168 contains a number of additional changes not described in this article that affect entities and individuals regulated by DPH.
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2018 Connecticut Legislative Update
Connecticut Enacts Legislation to Address Hospital-Insurer Network Conflicts
On June 6, 2018, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy signed into law Public Act No. 18-115 “An Act Concerning Disputes Between Health Carriers and Participating Providers That Are Hospitals” (PA 18-115). This legislation updates state laws concerning the departure or removal of a hospital from an insurance carrier’s provider network. PA 18-115 takes effect July 1, 2018.
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Connecticut Enacts Law to Limit Automatic Prescription Refills for Medicaid Beneficiaries
On June 1, 2018, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy signed into law Public Act 18-77 “An Act Limiting Auto Refills of Prescription Drugs Covered Under the Medicaid Program and Requiring the Commissioner of Social Services to Provide CHIP Data to the Health Information Technology Officer” (PA 18-77). This legislation allows the Department of Social Services (DSS) to prohibit pharmacies from automatically refilling certain prescription drugs for Medicaid beneficiaries and prohibits DSS from paying for refills of such drugs unless it receives a request for payment from the beneficiary or his or her legal representative.
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Connecticut Legislature Revises DSS Provider Audit Processes
On June 1, 2018, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy signed into law Public Act No. 18-76 “An Act Concerning Audits of Medical Assistance Providers” (PA 18-76), which makes several changes to the Medicaid provider audit process conducted by or on behalf of the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS). PA 18-76 is effective July 1, 2018.
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Connecticut Legislature Operationalizes New Health Oversight Agency: The Office of Health Strategy
On May 14, 2018, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy signed into law Public Act No. 18-91 “An Act Concerning the Office of Health Strategy” (PA 18-91), a bill that operationalizes the Office of Health Strategy (OHS), a new health oversight agency in Connecticut. OHS is a division of the Department of Public Health (DPH) “for administrative purposes only” that was provisionally established by the Connecticut General Assembly within the budget implementer bill passed in a special session in late 2017 and accorded responsibility for developing and implementing a health care vision for Connecticut, among other things. PA 18-91 operationalizes OHS by assigning responsibility for administration of Connecticut’s certificate of need (CON) process to a newly created unit within OHS that succeeds the Office of Health Care Access (OHCA), as well as by clarifying and increasing OHS’s statutory health oversight duties.
PA 18-91 took effect from passage on May 14, 2018, except as noted below.
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